Monday 20 February 2017

Protein Oat Bread

Another great one for meal prep as this bread freezes and defrosts perfectly, as always like all my recipes its gluten/wheat free. Last year I made Oat bread weekly and had it for my lunch in work nearly every single day. This bread is similar but with the addition of protein powder to give it a protein boost 💪 This also makes it great for a snack with whatever toppings you like, anything goes - Pb,banana,jam or keep it savory with cheese, relish etc without having to worry about getting in another protein source. The higher Carb, Mid Protein and low fat macros make it great for pre or post workout also! 

Please excuse the awful pictures, I've never claimed to be a photographer 😂I just snap as i go on my phone! 📸

Another reason behind this bread was to use up a huge bag of unflavored whey i ordered by mistake 😭 determined not to leave it go to waste it was a good excuse to create savory recipes like this one! 

So lets get baking!!


  • 1 large courgette (180g once grated and drained of liquid)
  • 280g Oats
  • 300g Natural Yogurt
  • 30g unflavoured whey
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

Grate your Courgette and squeeze out excess water using some kitchen paper, add into a large mixing bowl along with the Oats, Whey, Baking powder and Soda and mix well.

Add in the Yogurt, pinch of sea salt and mix again until everything is coated and mixed really well.

Pour into a lined Bread Tin and press Mixture down well making sure all edges are full with the mixture and spread the top flat - this just ensures an even all round bake !

Pop your tin into a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees and bake for 40mins, after 40mins it should be a golden brown, you can then either flip over the bread in the tin to finish off the bottom of the loaf or else remove the bread from the loaf (but still in the baking paper) and leave on the oven shelf so the heat can reach the bottom of the loaf (this is what i normally do) and leave in oven for another 10-20mins, just keep checking on it. It will be done when the bottom is hollow when you give it a knock ✊ Remove from oven, wrap in a tea towel and leave to cool completely before slicing!

I normally portion a couple of slices and freeze as id never go through the whole loaf in a few days when its only me in this house that eats it 🤗 (not complaining 😋)

I get roughly 17 slices - 12C less than 1F and 3.5P per slice

Macros will vary depending on yogurt you use and also the whey. For this batch I used Dunnes own brand ff natural yogurt because that's what was in the fridge, I think its about 50cent for a tub! Aldi also do a version.
Unflavoured Whey is not essential - go for a flavored one if you don't have unflavored (do people really intentionally buy unflavoured? or only just end up with it stupidly like me 😂) , I reckon salted caramel, cinnamon or vanilla would be fab too! I've already got a few sweet ideas in mind for experimenting with this recipe!

If you follow my Instagram you will know I always always have this toasted!But I never have any bread, bap, bagel etc unless its been warmed, grilled, toasted or fresh from the oven! So that's just my opinion, everything is better toasted 😍 My favorite toppings are cream cheese or relish but like i said above anything goes!

 Happy baking and be sure to let me know if you make it 🍞

Pops x

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