Tuesday 7 March 2017

Cake For Breakfast

Yes it is possible to have Cake for Breakfast 🍰 Remember you can have absolutely anything you want to have! But if cake is what you fancy then i'm about to show you how - with a little imagination you can make your go to 'healthy' Breakfast of Oats into a Fancy Pimped out Cake - that I promise legit tastes like sitting down to Dessert 🐷

People always message me 'how do you eat this, is that not bad for you, etc etc' there is no hidden secret to any of my meals, its just imagination, which thankfully I love to use when it comes to my food ❤ Tweaking meals and like I said pimping them out πŸ˜‰Exactly why I love the IIFYM lifestyle - nothing is off limits, no restrictions. I still keep it 80/20, even 90/10, as i'm all about that balanced life and love my meat oats and veggies just as much as my Reeses πŸ‘ŒThis is what works for me but you need to remember everyone is different, you cant just copy one persons way of eating and expect to get the results they are getting, IIFYM is very individual and everyone is following completely different macros! You need to discover what works for you !

Anyway on with this cake - there is so many variations of this little beauty!! My favourite is my Chocolate and Banana one (pictured above) so ill start with that one but will leave some notes at the end of other flavours, ingredients, substitutes , how to change macros etc.

That inside shot 😍😍😍

What you need.....
  • 60g Oats
  • 60g Mashed Banana (browner the better as always)
  • 60-100g grated courgette (the more courgette the more volume and greens πŸ˜‰) 
  • 40ml egg whites or one large egg white
  • 40ml almond milk
  • Tsp of baking powder
  • Tsp of cacao powder
  • 25g chocolate whey

I don't normally add sweeteners as my bananas are always extra brown and naturally sweet but of course add what you wish, stevia, flav drops, honey etc. 

Basically just mix the whole lot up really well in a bowl and transfer into an oven safe dish. I normally line my dish as it kills me if any of the mix sticks to the sides - therefor i'm missing out on some πŸ˜‚ Place into a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees for 25-30 mins.
You want it firm enough to lift out of the tin just like a cake but still moist inside πŸ‘Œ
Eat immediately or leave cool and in the fridge for the following morning. I normally make a few of these at a time as they freeze and defrost so well! Very handy to have in your freezer just to pull out the night before and ready to go the next morning!

Topping ideas are endless, as you have probably seen from my Instagram! Greek yogurt for an extra protein hit, berries, popcorn, peanut butter, i've tried them all and anything goes! Just depends which flavours im feeling at the time ;)

Perfect meal post workout as it's on the higher Carb and Protein Side with minimal Fats, but again this can be adjusted to suit you.

Below is an Apple and Berry Crumble style Cake I made, I used  Apple puree in place of mashed banana, vanilla whey instead of chocolate, left out the cacao and baked some mixed berries inside!


To lower the carb content just use less Oats or replace the mashed banana with another fruit like apple or berry puree. I've made this cake with as little as 40g Oats and it works perfectly! 
Up the protein by using extra whey or else another egg white.
If you want to add in some fats then peanut butter works really well baked inside or add some chopped nuts.
Don't be afraid of the courgette, it adds so much volume, you cant even taste it with all the other ingredients and its a great way of getting in extra greens!
This recipe works perfect as muffins too! Which might actually suit some people better for a breakfast on the go. Cant wait to see what everyone creates, as always just shout if you have any questions about the recipe or need some help in tweaking it...☺

Oh just before I head, here is some snippets of the chocolate coffee cake version I made this morning! Exactly the same as the Chocolate Banana Recipe but instead of Whey and Almond Milk I used an Iced Latte Protein Coffee Shake (Ufit Shakes)! Id been asked to review the Shake (it gets a 9/10 from me they are so good!) but I hate to drink my calories it feels like such a waste πŸ˜‚ Personally id rather have a meal 🐷 So anytime I do get my hands on shakes I prefer to experiment with different bakes instead and they always work really well especially if they have a good creamy texture like the Ufit range!  

Hope you all enjoy 

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