Monday 6 February 2017

White Chocolate and Coconut Goji Flapjacks

Starting my Recipe feed with My White Chocolate and Coconut Goji Flapjacks - Every time I post these I get asked for the recipe so now you can access it whenever you please :) I make these every week, honestly cant remember the last week that went by that I didn't make a batch, or some variation of them!

 I use them as my pre-workout snacks - and here's why ๐Ÿ ‹ 
1. I normally train between 6-7am so with a batch of these made I can grab one on the way out the door and not worry about making a meal at that time of the morning!
2. They have a good dose of carbs (quick energy boost) without having to eat a huge volume of food at that hour, some people are able to stomach a bowl of oats etc but 'im just not at that stage yet ๐Ÿ˜‚
3. They are low in fat as I prefer to avoid high fat foods in my pre and post training meals. Its best to keep your fats for your other meals.

The protein content of these is really up to yourself, id advise adding more if your using these for a quick post workout snack, or even just for a healthy protein treat during the day 
So here is what you need ๐Ÿ ‰The recipe below is exactly the amounts of everything I used for this mornings batch. Normally with this recipe i always made 5 flapjacks but have recently started portioning into 4 as i'm trying to up my carb intake preworkout, so portion as you please. Even at 5 their pretty big.

- 100g RIPE Banana - and yes the browner the banana the better!! It gives the flapjacks there real sweetness and perfect texture!
-80g Oats
-As much or as little Goji Berries as you like, I just grab a handful which is roughly 6g
-Same applies for the dessicated coconut 2/3 tsps again roughly 6g
-tsp of honey 
-25g of White chocolate and Coconut protein pancake mix

Mix all the above really well -
I actually just mash the whole lot up with a fork 
until it looks like this ๐Ÿ Ÿ

Decide how you want to portion and shape into whatever shape tickles your fancy ๐Ÿ˜œCircles are always a good choice ๐Ÿคฃ. Place into a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for 15mins, I flip them over for the last 3 mins, remove from oven, allow to cool fully and pop them into your cookie jar or any container at room temperature should work. 

    Et Viola - This batch I made this morning using 
    the above recipe came in at 24c 3f 5p each - scroll to end for 
extra notes and subs you can use

These ones on the bottom right are the same recipe I just made them in a bigger batch, sprinkled with extra coconut and waited until cooled and then cut into bars.

Hope you Enjoy and as always let me know if you give them a whirl! Love to see what variations you can come up with ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-these will not work as well with green or still very yellow bananas!
-pancake mix is not a must, whey works just as well, whey will also lower the carb content and increase protein (depending on your brand of whey obv)
-add sweeteners, flavour drops etc if desired
-use zero, calorie free syrups etc in place of honey to lower carbs if you like, they work just as well
-experiment with different flavours whey/pancake mixes along with nuts,seeds,dried fruits,chocolate chips etc, anything goes once you have the oats, banana, whey and syrup base perfected!

Over and Out Beauts,
Pops x

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