Wednesday 1 February 2017

Here it Goes

Hey Guys, so i'm finally getting round to this blogging world! Not really sure of exact content ill be sharing yet (depends what you want to see, please please let me know 🙋 ) but will be sure to use it as a spot to share all of my recipes with you at last. I've been dying to get this up and running for ages now just never had the time with my previous work commitments etc, but now that i'm loving life in my new job, stress free and with some spare time at last i can get cracking ✌
So as you know i'm Orla, aka pops_foodiekitchen 😉 I've a huge passion for all things food and fitness, as you all probably know if your here reading this! when i'm not in work i'm either at the gym, in my kitchen experimenting or online looking at something food or fitness related 😂

I'm 25, a qualified hairdresser, which was always my number 1 passion up until about 2 years ago when i discovered this world of health,food and fitness, so now I've got 2 passions and why not 😄 I started my 'foodie' Instagram just over a year ago now and i'm hooked 🙈 Sharing all my own food experiments and getting inspiration and ideas off everybody else... I've made so many new friends trough my page that I would of never known before, all like-minded people with the same passion for all things food and fitness!

So last year after a tough few months I packed in my hairdressing career after 9 years. I spent that whole 9 years in the one salon so this was a huge step for me and decision to make as it had been my life since school, same routine day in day out, i'm a creature of habit who loves routine in all aspects of my life so this was a huge change! I had no idea what to expect but I had to take the plunge. From been so so happy for over 8 years to miserable in the final few months, I knew I needed change before I started to hate hairdressing altogether. I had done a Diploma in Nutrition over the summer and absolutely loved it so figured the food/health/fitness industry was something id like to make a stab at career wise! I wont go to deep into it all but after a few short months of planning/decison making/ups/downs/all sorts of emotions 😭😂 things are finally falling into place. Ive gone back to hairdressing part time in a new salon (amaze) and the other half of my week is been spent studying an advanced nutrition course 😎 And come April ill be doing a fitness course with the National Sports College to qualify as a PT, Fitness Instructor and group Fitness Instructor. College, me? I never thought id see the day - especially sports college! Would you believe I failed P.E in school 😂

Finally feeling happy and excited for the future, with the perfect mixture of both my passions 🙌 Where all this will lead, who knows, but once i'm happy that's the main thing and i'm willing to give 2017 my best shot! My attitude and outlook on things is 100% better than it was this time last year and that's something i'm very proud of, still plenty of room for improvement but a good start has been made 😉

Finally a Major shout out to my other half ↑💑, parents and siblings 👪
for supporting me the whole way through these mad few months! Everyone says it and its so cliche but honestly none of this would of been possible without you all .

Anyway enough rambling for now, hope you enjoy whats to come, now to decide where to start with all these recipes 😆 And again - id love to hear what everyone would like to see me share with you here, anything at all just shout 😎

Over and out beauts,
Pops x

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see what's to come!!! Best of luck Orla xxx
