Friday 2 February 2018

Fakeaway - Sweet and Sour Pork

I still remember my first ever Chinese food experience πŸ˜‚ Coming from the country, living on a farm, in a place where some of you might consider the middle of know where πŸ˜‚ Chinese, Italian, Indians even Pizzas were never on the menu. It was always meat spuds and veg! Proper Irish Mammy dinners πŸ™Œ Which, after all are the best really aren't they πŸ˜‹ Plus there was no place that would deliver to our home, in one way looking back now, this was probably a good thing πŸ˜‚

I can't remember how old I was but I know I must of been in Primary School and was on a day out in Dublin with my friend and her family who decided on a Chinese Restaurant for dinner, shocked I'm sure when I told them I had never been before but even back then the young foodie inside me was so excited πŸ™Œ Not a clue what to order I went with sweet and sour chicken balls which Im presuming was recommended as a safe choice for my first time.


My God from then on I was hooked (unfortunately πŸ˜‚) Obviously been so young I didn't have the opportunity to afford and eat it whenever I wanted but as I grew up, got pocket money and eventually my first job any chance of a take out it had to be Sweet and Sour Chicken balls or else a 3 in 1 but with Sweet and Sour sauce and not the usual Curry people go for! Upgraded of course to a 4 in 1 when I could afford it πŸ˜‚ For a year if not longer, ok definitely longer, I'd say it was rare I'd go a weekend without a Chinese, later of course experimenting with different orders but sweet and sour was my first love.

Now a days I wouldn't touch a Chinese πŸ˜‚ I'm all for Thai Food πŸ™Œ I'm sure most of us can admit as tasty and all as it can be the majority of the time it makes you feel like a bag of πŸ’© 🀣So as well as remembering my first ever one I remember my last a bit too clearley 😷 After discovering my food intolerances a few years back, Chinese was off limits but for months I refused to listen and still had one now and again (Be grand sure 🀣) ! Until it all came to blows and I ended up violently ill (we won't go into details) after a hangover fuelled order from a new place that had just opened up. That was November 2015, how sad is that I still remember the date 🀣 I don't miss it now as that experience completely turned me off but ill still give any Fakeaway a shot and after seeing loads of people creating Sweet and Sour dishes over the last few years it was time I got experimenting myself πŸ™Œ

This one is garunteed not to make you violently or feeling like a bag of πŸ’© I promise 🀣 It worked a treat and here's the how πŸ‘‡

Sweet and Sour Pork - Serves 4

⭐500g lean pork mince ⭐Lots of veggies⭐300ml Zero Club Orange⭐150ml Passata⭐1 Chicken/Veg Stock Cube⭐1/2 tsp Chinese 5 Spice⭐2 Tblsp Liquid aminos/Soy sauce⭐1 Tblspoon Worcester Sauce⭐3 Tblsp Vinegar (distilled/white/rice)⭐ Pineapple Chunks🍍

In a pot bring the Passata, Orange and stock cube to a boil and leave simmer. It will thicken as it simmers but will take minimum 10mins to do so so get this started first⭐ On your pan/wok fry off your veggies and add in your pork mince followed by the Chinese 5 Spice ⭐ Back to the sauce add in all other liquids and continue to simmer until meat and veggies are cooked through ⭐ Pour the sauce over them in the pan and give everything a really good stir, simmer the lot together and again this will thicken up the sauce more if needed ⭐ Stir through Pineapple for last few mins of cooking and serve with rice, homemade chips, noodles, whatever you fancy πŸ™Œ

I had Pork Mince that I wanted to use as I'd never tried it out before and it was so tasty in this but no doubt chicken would work perfectly too or just load up in the veggies for a meat free option πŸ πŸ†πŸ…

As always I love to see you all re create my recipes and it makes my day hearing the feedback so let me know if you try it and what you think πŸ™Œ

Tip - Buy an XL Club Zero so you can sip the leftovers while you cook πŸ˜‰

Chinese Cravings sorted Beauts πŸ™Œ

Any questions on ingredient swaps etc just shout πŸ€™

PS πŸ‘‰ While making this I didn't think it was going to be going up onto the blog, that along with the fact I was hangry at the time is the reason why the pictures are awful 🀣 Just needed a quick snap before it was inhaled so don't leave them put you off I promise is fab πŸ˜‹

Happy Cooking
Pops x

Monday 16 October 2017

My Irish Mammy Slow Cooked Beef Casserole

When I lived at home this was my absolute favourite dinner of my mams 😊 So as soon as I moved out I needed to figure out how to make it myself. That was nearly three years ago now so I've done loads of experimenting and tweaking on this recipe until now that is, where I reckon I have got it at it's best ever 😍 Just look at that bowl of BEAUTY →→→→→ →→→→→→→→→→     If your already a casserole lover, like me, you will spot a good one when you see it 😜 Melt in the mouth meat how do you do 😍
 There is literally no excuse for someone not been able to make a casserole, it's literally fool proof, especially if you have a slow cooker like me, and if you don't then go buy one. Best €20 I ever spent, yes just €20 is all a slowcooker should set you back. It will become your best friend, especially in winter time 😊
I portion this in two but really it could do 3 people, we can't leave any behind in our house and always finish the whole pot between us πŸ™ˆ 
300g stewing beef
Red onion
Any extra veg you fancy but I find these 3 are a must in casserole, parsnip or butternut squash also work great
Clove of garlic or a tsp of garlic seasoning
15mls Worcester sauce
25g tomato puree
1 beef stock cube
2 tsp of mixed herbs 
Tsp of cornflour 
Cup of water


In a bowl add your beef along with cornflour and mix it all up until meat is fully coated.
Add in your veggies followed by everything else (except water) including the stock cube , just crumble it up and sprinkle all over. Give everything a really good mix and add it all to your slowcooker. Pour over the cup of water, the water should be just close to the top of the ingredients but not covering them completely so add more or use less depending. Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 6. If the sauce isn't thick enough for you towards the end of cooking, remove the lid for the last thirty minutes and turn the heat to high. 

Serve and Enjoy with your favourite potatoes 
Because whats an Irish Mammies dish 
without Spuds?
Pops x

Thursday 12 October 2017

White Choco and Coco Goji Balls

Are you even a real Fitspo Foodie Blogger Queen if you dont have your own Energy Ball recipe these days ✋ About time I got on the bandwagon so ehy 😝

All these changes in my career and lifestyle lately means things are busier than ever and time in the kitchen is limited! On the go a lot more than before so snackage is essential! I love my protein bars and convienience snacks as much as the next flexible dieter 🀣 but I don't want to end up relying on these all of the time, plus prep is key so having snacks prepped for the week ready to go keeps both me and my bank account happy. ( I spend waaaaay to much money on foodie snacks)

So at home on Sunday slowly dying with the fear of Saturday nights antics I could not sit still, doe this happen anyone else, like the proper FEAR? Even if the sickness that comes with a hangover isnt present for me THE FEAR IS ALWAYS REAL 😲
Anyway I needed to keep busy and distracted and for some reason this recipe idea popped into my head so I jumped into the kitchen and started firing things into a bowl, literally 🀣 But I did grab a pen and paper and scribbled it all down as I went along just incase they happened to actually work out for me - and guess what, they did! A miracle 😜

I made 12 of them roughly 25g each ➡️ Two snacks a day for the following 6 days sorted, yes this is how my OCD mind operates 😝 So thrilled with these it ALMOST even killed the fear ✋

Anyway to the recipe - They wont disappoint guys I do promise

- 100ml milk (I used skimmed)
- 50g Peanut Butter (I used Dr Zaks White Choco and Coconut but any will do this just added to the      flavour big time)
- 50g Oats
- 50g Coconut Flour
- 30g White Chocolate Whey
- 20g Goji Berries
- 5g Dessicated Coconut
- White chocolate flavour drops (optional along with any other       sweetener, stevia etc)

➡️Add all dry ingredients into your bowl and mix up really well
➡️Add in peanut butter bit by bit to make sure you mix it evenely throughout
➡️Finally add in the milk, again a few drops at a time and mixing inbetween
➡️Place the bowl into fridge for 30mins, this will allow mixture to harden slightly and make it easier to roll later

Remove mix from bowl and roll pieces into balls, like I said above I got 12 out of this recipe so will all depend on how big or small you want them

Mine have been kept in an empty egg container in the fridge all week and so far are still perfectly fresh

Absolutely gorgeous treat, serious patting on the back went on 🀣

Let me know if you give them a go as you all know I love to see your re-creations of my recipes πŸ‘

Happy no bake - baking guys !!

Pops x

Friday 8 September 2017

Pops' Secret Satay

Very brave move of me to post and forever rave about my Satay as I don't really have anything to compare it to - the first one I ever tried was my own invention πŸ˜‚ and I haven't really tried many others since πŸ™ŠOver the last year or two I've tweaked this recipe to what it is now - and that is, to me anyway, thee Best Satay πŸ’“ 

Like most of my recipes this one freezes and defrosts perfectly so another good one to make in bulk.
I love mine served with some form of potato (shocker I know) but this is the perfect dish for rice or noodles too if you arnt a Spud Lover like myself πŸ‘―

For a lower carb option serve it up with some Courgetti. Bulk out with even more Veggies for a Vegetarian option or you could add in some Sweet poatoe/Chickpeas/Butternut Squash etc too!

Its quite an easy dish so everyone should be well able to give this a go no matter what your kitchen skills are like 😜

So Lets get Cracking

Ingredients - Serves 2

2 Chicken Breasts
Whatever Veggies you fancy - The more the merrier, I always aim for 3 portions with dinner
1 garlic clove or 1/2 tsp garlic seasoning
1 tsp sweetener
20ml soy sauce
25g Natural Peanut Butter
Tablespoon of Curry Powder
1/2 - 1 tsp of Chili Powder (depending on how hot you like your food)
1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
1/2 cup boiling water


  1. Soften all your veggies for a few mins and add chicken to pan
  2. Add all other ingredients together along with the boiling water into a cup and mix really well until all dissolved
  3. When chicken is no longer pink and veggies have softened add your sauce mix to the pan and mix everything well
  4. Bring to the boil and then turn down to a simmer and allow the sauce to thicken
  5. You may or may not want to add more water - I normally don't as I like my sauce to be really thick so all depends on what you prefer
  6. After about 20 mins you should be good to go
  7. Serve 🠞 demolish 🠞 thank me later 😜

Absolutely Shocking photos as always 🀣 If blogging is ever my Full Time job i shall invest in a good camera and photography course πŸ“Έ Promise πŸ’

So guys hope you enjoy this one as much as I do, can't wait for the feed back πŸ™Š As always any questions at all just shout, whether it's about macros, substitutes, brands I use etc always happy to help πŸ‘Œ

Thursday 10 August 2017

You Do You

Its funny I found it so hard to even make a start on this post, i'm really not a fan of the laptop or typing as I much prefer to use my Gob to communicate normally 🀣 Anyone who knows me will know how much of a chatterbox I am and it was always my downfall through school, I couldn't shut up! Coincidentally look what my mam just tagged me in yesterday 😝

Anyway so as you guessed a different type of post today, i'm writing this now and i'm guessing its going to take me a while of dipping in and out of it before I actually publish it. There's so much I can say on the subject I want to bring up today as nearly everyday something triggers me to do a blog post on it! I think maybe its the sense ill feel some sort of relief getting it all off my chest if I write it all down here, who knows πŸ€”

So this is something SO MANY no doubt will relate to. On the flip side, i'm sure so many wont and hey that's ok too. Hopefully everyone can take something from this.

In the run up to my holidays it really started to get to me, something that seems so small, but I guess had built up over time with similar incidents and comments made me want to flip. But I wouldn't do such a thing now would I 😝 
Just general conversations I've been having with people about my plans while in America, once I mentioned my excitement to train and try out different gyms over there the responses always went something like this

'your going on holidays would you not even give the gym a break over there?'


"your nuts getting up at that hour to go to the gym"
"would you not rather the extra hour in bed"
"how the hell do you DRAG yourself to the gym everyday"
"where do you get the time, I'd never have the time"

YUP I'VE HEARD IT ALL and i'm sure a few of you are either nodding along or laughing reading this because you are way to familiar with the above too haha Like i said this was just the push over the edge for me

A million things wanted to come out of my mouth so i'm just going to do you a little (or not so little) list of things that popped into my head

1. One reason people go on holidays is to escape stress, the things that worry them, whether that be bills, their job etc. I haven't heard of anyone before going on holidays to escape away from something they love - i.e for me this is the GYM, exercising, being active!

2. Believe it or not but not EVERYONE goes to the gym to loose weight, in fact some even go to gain weight but I wont even try get into that just yet as this post is already going to be long enough 🀣 Some go for the social aspect, a reason to get out of the house, for head-space and yes a large majority go to loose weight but not EVERYBODY has the same goals. Don't automatically presume my reason for the gym is to be 'skinny' (STRONG ALWAYS πŸ‹️‍♀️) Just think before you comment on something you don't know anything about, K πŸ’‍♀️Feel free to ask questions of course as I LOVE GETTING THE QUESTIONS but don't throw statements like that around the place at me and others✋

3. What do you love to do? Reading maybe? Will you be banning reading when you go on your holidays? πŸ™…‍♀️Surely not if its something you love to do that helps you relax and unwind? Well believe it or not people this is what some people get from exercise! and I am so happy that I am one of these!

4. ENDORPHIN'S!!! or do you even know what they are?🀦‍♀️ Didn't think so!!

5. Lastly I didn't work my ass off all year to keep myself fit, healthy and in a decent ill say enough shape to go and blow it all in america, I want to eat all the food while i'm there so I gotta use up all that extra energy intake somehow right πŸ‘™ HELLO REESE'S AND LEG DAY'S! For some it's all about the Aesthetic side and again thats totally fine too, it plays a little part I reckon in everyone's reason for going, or reason for starting at least!

Like I said this is only a small insight into how, unfortunately, a lot of people see and think of us 'gym goers'. There is plenty people who play soccer and train 3 times a week, stay in on a Saturday night because they have a match Sunday morning and its seen as totally normal? Yet some people think i'm some kind of nutter because I train at 6am before work and stay in on some Saturday nights if I fancy the gym on a Sunday morning? Tell me what the difference is? πŸ€”

If you have been following me for a while you will know the main thing I preach about is Balance 🀹‍♀️ That goes for every aspect of my life and is something i'm constantly working on improving. I think its hard to ever get it 100% and i'm definitely far from perfect at it!
I love my Reese's and Night Bowls but I equally love my Salad Bowls, I love a Vodka just as much as I love my peppermint tea πŸ₯‚πŸ΅I love a sweaty gym session but there's nothing like a night on the tiles with the gals too πŸ‹️‍♀️🀸‍♀️πŸ‘―‍♀️

Just always aim to do more of what makes YOU happy, whatever that may be and you won't be going to far wrong πŸ‘Œ

Also I do want to add in that in NO WAY am I saying everyone needs to be like this and love going to the gym, if been active and healthy is something you want to give your hand at it doesn't ever have to start with the gym! Find something you love to do that gets you out and moving whether it be walking the dogs, swimming or even something like dancing! If the gym feels like a chore or some sort of punishment then its not for you, and that is no big deal, just find what works.

And always remember 

You Do You
I'll Do Me 


Thursday 20 July 2017

Protein Bread Pudding

Hey Beauts 
Excited to share this one as its a nice change up from the normal Oat breakfast recipes you see EVERYWHERE! Also it might show some people that bread IS NOT THE DEVIL and is the perfect PWO carb source just like Oats, Rice or whatever you like to have! So Beauts don't fear the Loaf 🍞πŸ₯πŸ₯–

What breads do I normally buy? Well having a wheat allergy means i'm more limited than most people. Plus most 'gluten free/wheat free' breads are DISGUSTING - hands up who agrees πŸ™‹‍♀️! So luckily for me my body is good with Spelt so I normally go for a Spelt and Honey loaf 🍯 which id actually recommend to anyone, wheat free or not its such a gorgoeus bread ! Also lately I've been picking up aldis white gluten free loaf which is actually one of the nicer ones I've tried! Unlike the spelt it is basically fat free so its a better option for pwo! I'm open to all other suggestions on wheat free as you know me ill try anything at least once so let me know πŸ˜‰

Now so lets get going on this tasty dish! for me this is normally a breakfast meal because 
1. I work train in the am so need something filling straight afterwards
2. Its basically fat free which is perfect pwo with a higher carbs and protein
3. I like to start my day sweet 🍬🍩🍭
But there is no rules as always eat whenever you like πŸ˜‰ Perfect for a 'healthier' dessert too.
🚫God I hate using healthier and unhealthy to label food but you get my drift🚫

What you need
  • 2 slices of bread of choice
  • 1-2 egg whites (depending on macros u want i normally use 50g liquid whites)
  • 10-20 g whey (again depending on macros)
  • 60 ml milk of choice
  • berries/banana/fruit of choice
  • sweeteners / flavoured syrups if you need something extra πŸ˜‰

Spray or grease an oven proof dish well, I use fry-light! cube up your bread and add to the dish.

In a blender/nutribullet add in your milk,whey,egg whites and sweetener and blitz.
Pour the mix over the cubed bread and add in your fruit.
You can leave as is or else do what i like to do and mash the whole lot up so its like a cake!
Leave to sit in the fridge for a minimum 30 mins, i normally prepare the night before so it gets all night to soak!
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees for 25mins and BOOM you are done, simples! Dont forget the TOPPINGS either, no rules here, anything goes in Pops' Kitchen so why not in yours too 😜🍬🍨 My normal topping on breakfast food is some variation of fruit,greek yogurt and nut butter, with a few Slutty Carbs thrown in there too since its pwo #whenyouknowyouknow 😜
Oven Fresh
Eat straight from the dish or else plonk on a plate
and start decorating ↓

Raspeberry yogi,Goji Berries, PB2

For my most recent one shown in the pics above I used mixed frozen berries and birthday cake flavoured whey which was a smashing combo! I've also used Cacao powder, Chocolate whey and Banana all together too which i think is actually the best combo so if you have got the extra carbs to spare try that one! It looks like crap as you can see below haha but i promise its delicious! A bit of Peanut butter on that now and your day would be made 😍

Chocolate and Banana Version
Looks like POOP →→→

Hope you enjoy this one as much as I do! As always shout for help with adjustments, macros etc always happy to help


Sunday 9 July 2017

Quinoa 'Proats'

Ok so I know its not really right to call these 'Proats' as there is no 'oats' involved, nope ✋just Quinoa, but right now it will have to do until the perfect name pops into that little brain if mine πŸ’­

Now guys please bare in mind this is my most rushed post yet! It wasn't planned at all as it just started as a breakfast experiment yesterday morning with some Quinoa I had got from Discount Supplements! I've been dying to try it for so long as its naturally Gluten free and hoped it would make another great Carb addition to my daily foodie life 🐷

So me being me πŸ™ƒ wanted to do things differently. So rather than cooking it up savoury to go with a salad or my dinner I decided I wanted to try a sweet version 🍬 Now you will all probably know sweet breakfasts are my THAAANG so it was a no brainer, Breakfast it was 🀷‍♂️

After I posted it I got loads of messages asking all about it and the how to so I said i'd better get cracking with the recipe as its so simple anyway πŸ€”

Oh but first while I'm at it here's another few fun facts you might be interested in 😎
🍬Quinoa is one of the few grains that contains all nine essential amino acids
🍫Its  naturally Gluten Free
🍬 Great source of fiber

Some may even call it a "superfood" but we know those things don't exist 🀣 Will leave that for you to decide 🀷‍♂️

Now moving along let's get started πŸ‘
So this was how i made yesterday mornings bowl, I could be doing it totally wrong, i've no idea, but it was my first attempt so please don't hate and bare with me πŸ™

What you need

60g Quinoa(dry weight)
100ml liquid egg whites
10g chocolate whey
This Quinoa is from discount supplements
and its the first one i've ever tried out, its from an Irish Company
too so win win ☘
5g raw cacao powder
Cold Water

So in a saucepan I added in my Quinoa and Water (for amount of water to use weigh out like you would rice, 1 cup quinoa : 2 cups water) brought to the boil, covered and let simmer for 10-15 mins. I panic a bit when lids are on my pots as I can't see whats going on πŸ™Šso I did have a couple of peeps and gave it a few stirs while I was at it. Once id say 95% of the water had been absorbed i added in my whey protein powder and cacao, gave it all a good mix and then added in my egg whites. at this point, on a low heat, I kept stirring until the whites had cooked as i was afraid everything might start to stick. I knew it was going to be good at this stage as it just looked like a creamy chocolatey bowl of absolute yum 😍 With the texture on par with how I like my Oats, just like CEMENT 🀣 Ain't nobody got time for runny Oats 😷 We like it thick and creamy 😍 i served up straight away in my bowl and topped it with some Greek yogurt, melted strawberries and smooth natural peanut butter.

Like everything this recipe should be easily adjustable to suit your own macros, taste etc... 
Add some extra whey protein, change up the toppings, cook in milk instead of water, just like Oats id imagine anything goes !

Now the ideas I have for this in the future are endless, there is so much you can do with Oats so lets see if Quinoa can do the same!

Honestly loved this bowl, lets hope it wasn't a case of beginners luck πŸ™ As I experiment more ill be sure to update this post and keep you all in the know over on Instagram! Also love to hear about your experiments with Quinoa in the past, both sweet and savory?

Apologies again for this rushed post, hope you enjoyed it and might give it a go ❤

As always just shout with any questions,
Pops x