Friday 8 September 2017

Pops' Secret Satay

Very brave move of me to post and forever rave about my Satay as I don't really have anything to compare it to - the first one I ever tried was my own invention πŸ˜‚ and I haven't really tried many others since πŸ™ŠOver the last year or two I've tweaked this recipe to what it is now - and that is, to me anyway, thee Best Satay πŸ’“ 

Like most of my recipes this one freezes and defrosts perfectly so another good one to make in bulk.
I love mine served with some form of potato (shocker I know) but this is the perfect dish for rice or noodles too if you arnt a Spud Lover like myself πŸ‘―

For a lower carb option serve it up with some Courgetti. Bulk out with even more Veggies for a Vegetarian option or you could add in some Sweet poatoe/Chickpeas/Butternut Squash etc too!

Its quite an easy dish so everyone should be well able to give this a go no matter what your kitchen skills are like 😜

So Lets get Cracking

Ingredients - Serves 2

2 Chicken Breasts
Whatever Veggies you fancy - The more the merrier, I always aim for 3 portions with dinner
1 garlic clove or 1/2 tsp garlic seasoning
1 tsp sweetener
20ml soy sauce
25g Natural Peanut Butter
Tablespoon of Curry Powder
1/2 - 1 tsp of Chili Powder (depending on how hot you like your food)
1 vegetable or chicken stock cube
1/2 cup boiling water


  1. Soften all your veggies for a few mins and add chicken to pan
  2. Add all other ingredients together along with the boiling water into a cup and mix really well until all dissolved
  3. When chicken is no longer pink and veggies have softened add your sauce mix to the pan and mix everything well
  4. Bring to the boil and then turn down to a simmer and allow the sauce to thicken
  5. You may or may not want to add more water - I normally don't as I like my sauce to be really thick so all depends on what you prefer
  6. After about 20 mins you should be good to go
  7. Serve 🠞 demolish 🠞 thank me later 😜

Absolutely Shocking photos as always 🀣 If blogging is ever my Full Time job i shall invest in a good camera and photography course πŸ“Έ Promise πŸ’

So guys hope you enjoy this one as much as I do, can't wait for the feed back πŸ™Š As always any questions at all just shout, whether it's about macros, substitutes, brands I use etc always happy to help πŸ‘Œ

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