Thursday 12 October 2017

White Choco and Coco Goji Balls

Are you even a real Fitspo Foodie Blogger Queen if you dont have your own Energy Ball recipe these days ✋ About time I got on the bandwagon so ehy 😝

All these changes in my career and lifestyle lately means things are busier than ever and time in the kitchen is limited! On the go a lot more than before so snackage is essential! I love my protein bars and convienience snacks as much as the next flexible dieter 🤣 but I don't want to end up relying on these all of the time, plus prep is key so having snacks prepped for the week ready to go keeps both me and my bank account happy. ( I spend waaaaay to much money on foodie snacks)

So at home on Sunday slowly dying with the fear of Saturday nights antics I could not sit still, doe this happen anyone else, like the proper FEAR? Even if the sickness that comes with a hangover isnt present for me THE FEAR IS ALWAYS REAL 😲
Anyway I needed to keep busy and distracted and for some reason this recipe idea popped into my head so I jumped into the kitchen and started firing things into a bowl, literally 🤣 But I did grab a pen and paper and scribbled it all down as I went along just incase they happened to actually work out for me - and guess what, they did! A miracle 😜

I made 12 of them roughly 25g each ➡️ Two snacks a day for the following 6 days sorted, yes this is how my OCD mind operates 😝 So thrilled with these it ALMOST even killed the fear ✋

Anyway to the recipe - They wont disappoint guys I do promise

- 100ml milk (I used skimmed)
- 50g Peanut Butter (I used Dr Zaks White Choco and Coconut but any will do this just added to the      flavour big time)
- 50g Oats
- 50g Coconut Flour
- 30g White Chocolate Whey
- 20g Goji Berries
- 5g Dessicated Coconut
- White chocolate flavour drops (optional along with any other       sweetener, stevia etc)

➡️Add all dry ingredients into your bowl and mix up really well
➡️Add in peanut butter bit by bit to make sure you mix it evenely throughout
➡️Finally add in the milk, again a few drops at a time and mixing inbetween
➡️Place the bowl into fridge for 30mins, this will allow mixture to harden slightly and make it easier to roll later

Remove mix from bowl and roll pieces into balls, like I said above I got 12 out of this recipe so will all depend on how big or small you want them

Mine have been kept in an empty egg container in the fridge all week and so far are still perfectly fresh

Absolutely gorgeous treat, serious patting on the back went on 🤣

Let me know if you give them a go as you all know I love to see your re-creations of my recipes 👏

Happy no bake - baking guys !!

Pops x

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