Thursday 10 August 2017

You Do You

Its funny I found it so hard to even make a start on this post, i'm really not a fan of the laptop or typing as I much prefer to use my Gob to communicate normally ๐Ÿคฃ Anyone who knows me will know how much of a chatterbox I am and it was always my downfall through school, I couldn't shut up! Coincidentally look what my mam just tagged me in yesterday ๐Ÿ˜

Anyway so as you guessed a different type of post today, i'm writing this now and i'm guessing its going to take me a while of dipping in and out of it before I actually publish it. There's so much I can say on the subject I want to bring up today as nearly everyday something triggers me to do a blog post on it! I think maybe its the sense ill feel some sort of relief getting it all off my chest if I write it all down here, who knows ๐Ÿค”

So this is something SO MANY no doubt will relate to. On the flip side, i'm sure so many wont and hey that's ok too. Hopefully everyone can take something from this.

In the run up to my holidays it really started to get to me, something that seems so small, but I guess had built up over time with similar incidents and comments made me want to flip. But I wouldn't do such a thing now would I ๐Ÿ˜ 
Just general conversations I've been having with people about my plans while in America, once I mentioned my excitement to train and try out different gyms over there the responses always went something like this

'your going on holidays would you not even give the gym a break over there?'


"your nuts getting up at that hour to go to the gym"
"would you not rather the extra hour in bed"
"how the hell do you DRAG yourself to the gym everyday"
"where do you get the time, I'd never have the time"

YUP I'VE HEARD IT ALL and i'm sure a few of you are either nodding along or laughing reading this because you are way to familiar with the above too haha Like i said this was just the push over the edge for me

A million things wanted to come out of my mouth so i'm just going to do you a little (or not so little) list of things that popped into my head

1. One reason people go on holidays is to escape stress, the things that worry them, whether that be bills, their job etc. I haven't heard of anyone before going on holidays to escape away from something they love - i.e for me this is the GYM, exercising, being active!

2. Believe it or not but not EVERYONE goes to the gym to loose weight, in fact some even go to gain weight but I wont even try get into that just yet as this post is already going to be long enough ๐Ÿคฃ Some go for the social aspect, a reason to get out of the house, for head-space and yes a large majority go to loose weight but not EVERYBODY has the same goals. Don't automatically presume my reason for the gym is to be 'skinny' (STRONG ALWAYS ๐Ÿ‹️‍♀️) Just think before you comment on something you don't know anything about, K ๐Ÿ’‍♀️Feel free to ask questions of course as I LOVE GETTING THE QUESTIONS but don't throw statements like that around the place at me and others✋

3. What do you love to do? Reading maybe? Will you be banning reading when you go on your holidays? ๐Ÿ™…‍♀️Surely not if its something you love to do that helps you relax and unwind? Well believe it or not people this is what some people get from exercise! and I am so happy that I am one of these!

4. ENDORPHIN'S!!! or do you even know what they are?๐Ÿคฆ‍♀️ Didn't think so!!

5. Lastly I didn't work my ass off all year to keep myself fit, healthy and in a decent ill say enough shape to go and blow it all in america, I want to eat all the food while i'm there so I gotta use up all that extra energy intake somehow right ๐Ÿ‘™ HELLO REESE'S AND LEG DAY'S! For some it's all about the Aesthetic side and again thats totally fine too, it plays a little part I reckon in everyone's reason for going, or reason for starting at least!

Like I said this is only a small insight into how, unfortunately, a lot of people see and think of us 'gym goers'. There is plenty people who play soccer and train 3 times a week, stay in on a Saturday night because they have a match Sunday morning and its seen as totally normal? Yet some people think i'm some kind of nutter because I train at 6am before work and stay in on some Saturday nights if I fancy the gym on a Sunday morning? Tell me what the difference is? ๐Ÿค”

If you have been following me for a while you will know the main thing I preach about is Balance ๐Ÿคน‍♀️ That goes for every aspect of my life and is something i'm constantly working on improving. I think its hard to ever get it 100% and i'm definitely far from perfect at it!
I love my Reese's and Night Bowls but I equally love my Salad Bowls, I love a Vodka just as much as I love my peppermint tea ๐Ÿฅ‚๐ŸตI love a sweaty gym session but there's nothing like a night on the tiles with the gals too ๐Ÿ‹️‍♀️๐Ÿคธ‍♀️๐Ÿ‘ฏ‍♀️

Just always aim to do more of what makes YOU happy, whatever that may be and you won't be going to far wrong ๐Ÿ‘Œ

Also I do want to add in that in NO WAY am I saying everyone needs to be like this and love going to the gym, if been active and healthy is something you want to give your hand at it doesn't ever have to start with the gym! Find something you love to do that gets you out and moving whether it be walking the dogs, swimming or even something like dancing! If the gym feels like a chore or some sort of punishment then its not for you, and that is no big deal, just find what works.

And always remember 

You Do You
I'll Do Me 


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