Thursday 20 July 2017

Protein Bread Pudding

Hey Beauts 
Excited to share this one as its a nice change up from the normal Oat breakfast recipes you see EVERYWHERE! Also it might show some people that bread IS NOT THE DEVIL and is the perfect PWO carb source just like Oats, Rice or whatever you like to have! So Beauts don't fear the Loaf 🍞πŸ₯πŸ₯–

What breads do I normally buy? Well having a wheat allergy means i'm more limited than most people. Plus most 'gluten free/wheat free' breads are DISGUSTING - hands up who agrees πŸ™‹‍♀️! So luckily for me my body is good with Spelt so I normally go for a Spelt and Honey loaf 🍯 which id actually recommend to anyone, wheat free or not its such a gorgoeus bread ! Also lately I've been picking up aldis white gluten free loaf which is actually one of the nicer ones I've tried! Unlike the spelt it is basically fat free so its a better option for pwo! I'm open to all other suggestions on wheat free as you know me ill try anything at least once so let me know πŸ˜‰

Now so lets get going on this tasty dish! for me this is normally a breakfast meal because 
1. I work train in the am so need something filling straight afterwards
2. Its basically fat free which is perfect pwo with a higher carbs and protein
3. I like to start my day sweet 🍬🍩🍭
But there is no rules as always eat whenever you like πŸ˜‰ Perfect for a 'healthier' dessert too.
🚫God I hate using healthier and unhealthy to label food but you get my drift🚫

What you need
  • 2 slices of bread of choice
  • 1-2 egg whites (depending on macros u want i normally use 50g liquid whites)
  • 10-20 g whey (again depending on macros)
  • 60 ml milk of choice
  • berries/banana/fruit of choice
  • sweeteners / flavoured syrups if you need something extra πŸ˜‰

Spray or grease an oven proof dish well, I use fry-light! cube up your bread and add to the dish.

In a blender/nutribullet add in your milk,whey,egg whites and sweetener and blitz.
Pour the mix over the cubed bread and add in your fruit.
You can leave as is or else do what i like to do and mash the whole lot up so its like a cake!
Leave to sit in the fridge for a minimum 30 mins, i normally prepare the night before so it gets all night to soak!
Bake in a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees for 25mins and BOOM you are done, simples! Dont forget the TOPPINGS either, no rules here, anything goes in Pops' Kitchen so why not in yours too 😜🍬🍨 My normal topping on breakfast food is some variation of fruit,greek yogurt and nut butter, with a few Slutty Carbs thrown in there too since its pwo #whenyouknowyouknow 😜
Oven Fresh
Eat straight from the dish or else plonk on a plate
and start decorating ↓

Raspeberry yogi,Goji Berries, PB2

For my most recent one shown in the pics above I used mixed frozen berries and birthday cake flavoured whey which was a smashing combo! I've also used Cacao powder, Chocolate whey and Banana all together too which i think is actually the best combo so if you have got the extra carbs to spare try that one! It looks like crap as you can see below haha but i promise its delicious! A bit of Peanut butter on that now and your day would be made 😍

Chocolate and Banana Version
Looks like POOP →→→

Hope you enjoy this one as much as I do! As always shout for help with adjustments, macros etc always happy to help


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