Monday 20 February 2017

Protein Oat Bread

Another great one for meal prep as this bread freezes and defrosts perfectly, as always like all my recipes its gluten/wheat free. Last year I made Oat bread weekly and had it for my lunch in work nearly every single day. This bread is similar but with the addition of protein powder to give it a protein boost ๐Ÿ’ช This also makes it great for a snack with whatever toppings you like, anything goes - Pb,banana,jam or keep it savory with cheese, relish etc without having to worry about getting in another protein source. The higher Carb, Mid Protein and low fat macros make it great for pre or post workout also! 

Please excuse the awful pictures, I've never claimed to be a photographer ๐Ÿ˜‚I just snap as i go on my phone! ๐Ÿ“ธ

Another reason behind this bread was to use up a huge bag of unflavored whey i ordered by mistake ๐Ÿ˜ญ determined not to leave it go to waste it was a good excuse to create savory recipes like this one! 

So lets get baking!!


  • 1 large courgette (180g once grated and drained of liquid)
  • 280g Oats
  • 300g Natural Yogurt
  • 30g unflavoured whey
  • pinch of salt
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

Grate your Courgette and squeeze out excess water using some kitchen paper, add into a large mixing bowl along with the Oats, Whey, Baking powder and Soda and mix well.

Add in the Yogurt, pinch of sea salt and mix again until everything is coated and mixed really well.

Pour into a lined Bread Tin and press Mixture down well making sure all edges are full with the mixture and spread the top flat - this just ensures an even all round bake !

Pop your tin into a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees and bake for 40mins, after 40mins it should be a golden brown, you can then either flip over the bread in the tin to finish off the bottom of the loaf or else remove the bread from the loaf (but still in the baking paper) and leave on the oven shelf so the heat can reach the bottom of the loaf (this is what i normally do) and leave in oven for another 10-20mins, just keep checking on it. It will be done when the bottom is hollow when you give it a knock ✊ Remove from oven, wrap in a tea towel and leave to cool completely before slicing!

I normally portion a couple of slices and freeze as id never go through the whole loaf in a few days when its only me in this house that eats it ๐Ÿค— (not complaining ๐Ÿ˜‹)

I get roughly 17 slices - 12C less than 1F and 3.5P per slice

Macros will vary depending on yogurt you use and also the whey. For this batch I used Dunnes own brand ff natural yogurt because that's what was in the fridge, I think its about 50cent for a tub! Aldi also do a version.
Unflavoured Whey is not essential - go for a flavored one if you don't have unflavored (do people really intentionally buy unflavoured? or only just end up with it stupidly like me ๐Ÿ˜‚) , I reckon salted caramel, cinnamon or vanilla would be fab too! I've already got a few sweet ideas in mind for experimenting with this recipe!

If you follow my Instagram you will know I always always have this toasted!But I never have any bread, bap, bagel etc unless its been warmed, grilled, toasted or fresh from the oven! So that's just my opinion, everything is better toasted ๐Ÿ˜ My favorite toppings are cream cheese or relish but like i said above anything goes!

 Happy baking and be sure to let me know if you make it ๐Ÿž

Pops x

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Apple Slaw

Hey There Beauts, back with another one of my Fav's - My Apple Slaw 

 Anyone who follows my Instagram will already now how much I love this! I get so many messages asking for this recipe every time I post a fresh batch and to be honest I think some may be disappointed when I send it on - i'm guessing most people are expecting something fancy and complicated ๐Ÿคฃ So I am now officially apologizing in advance because this is as basic as it gets, but it tastes amazing and just look at those colours! So if something EASY, Fresh,Veggie Packed and seriously tasty is what your looking for then your in the right place ๐Ÿ™‹ My batch normally makes 5 portions(could easily get 6/7) so it spends 5 days in the fridge and stays perfectly fresh, in fact it gets better as the week goes on sitting in all the juices ๐Ÿ˜‹ So its a great one for meal prepping in advance! It makes a great base for Tupperware lunches and goes with almost everything! 

What You Need
  • Quarter head of Red Cabbage - about 400g 
  • 1 small onion 
  • 1 pink lady apple
  • 1 large carrot
  • 15ml Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 50ml Lighter than Light Mayo
Shred/grate up all the veggies and mix well in a large bowl, add in your Mayo and Apple Cider Vinegar and again mix well so its all evenly distributed. And that's it! Simples. I just cover the bowl in clingfilm and store in the fridge.

The two pictures above have red cabbage and white onion, the one below was this weeks batch of white cabbage and red onion - purely because Aldi had no red cabbage ๐Ÿ˜† but you know what I actually think its nicer! 

So play around with veggies, more carrots, less onions, more apple etc there isn't any rules although I would recommend the cabbage to be the large base of it all!

Replace the Mayo with Greek yogurt for a protein hit, add in spices etc... I've used white wine vinegar in place of acv before to and it worked perfectly.,. Oh and don't fear the acv, it doesn't taste how it does when your trying neck it first thing in the morning ๐Ÿคฃ Its only 15ml and its fab in it! Huge health benefits as we all know so its like a sneaky way of getting some into you without you even knowing ๐Ÿ˜œ Also the vinegar is what keeps it all fresh for the few days in the fridge so its a must. If you need ideas of what to eat this with just look on my Instagram there is weekly photos of it with my meals ๐Ÿ˜† Or give me a shout ๐Ÿค™

Hope your all having a fabulous Valentines Day ๐Ÿ’“

Pops x

Thursday 9 February 2017

Nutri Muffins

Finally Sharing one of my Favorite Recipes - Another i'm always asked for, I came up with these last year while my house was under renovation and I was kitchen-less for weeks (don't even go there) Needed something easy to make with a hit of protein to snack on during the day and that were also portable ๐Ÿƒ. I had found myself relying on protein bars (which I love of course but every single day for weeks even I got sick of them ๐Ÿ™ˆ) etc all the time over these few weeks so these were perfect to help up my protein without relying on bars and also spending a fortune on them ๐Ÿ˜†. The first experiment with them and BOOM they turned out to be little Gems with great Macros. All I needed was my nutribullet (hence the name) and an oven to bake them in - forever grateful to my brother for the use of his kitchen during this stressful time ๐Ÿ˜œ They keep perfectly for the best part of a week at room temperature

Perfect if you like to keep your treats 'clean' as they shall satisfy those Choco,Sweet,Cakey,Fudgey, Cravings ๐Ÿซ๐ŸฌThese Beauts have got it all ๐Ÿ˜œ

So the original recipe is as follows

100g banana (brown brown brown!!)
140g courgette (look at me green police๐Ÿฅ—๐Ÿ‘ฎ)
45g oats
15g - 25g peanut butter (depending on how high/low you want the fats to be)
10g raw cacao powder
30g chocolate whey protein
80ml liquid egg whites (roughly 2/3 egg whites depending on egg size)
tsp of baking powder
50ml of liquid - almond milk,protein milk,protein shake, skimmed milk whatever you like, (again whichever one you use will alter the macros differently)
sweetners, flav drops etc if you please

Literally everything in the Nutribullet and Blend Blend Blend!

Bake at 180 for 25/30 mins, just keep a close eye on them after the first 20mins.. they rise a lot so when pouring into your muffin cases ensure to allow for this so they don't overflow!

This recipe made 9 muffins at 63cals each - 7C 2F 5P

The ones I posted on my Instagram this week were the above recipe with 50ml of grenade fudge brownie protein shake that needed using up - and they turned out UNBELIAVABLE - of course, who doesnt love all things Grenade ๐Ÿ˜ I ended up getting 11 from the batch at only 6C 1F 5P each! But obviously i'm not gonna go spending money on shakes to add to Muffins๐Ÿ˜… Like i said it just needed using up ๐Ÿ˜€

I can promise these wont disappoint and as always love to hear if you try them! If you have any questions on subs, how to up/lower macros,extras to add in etc just shout ๐Ÿค™

Over and Out Beauts,
Pops x

Monday 6 February 2017

White Chocolate and Coconut Goji Flapjacks

Starting my Recipe feed with My White Chocolate and Coconut Goji Flapjacks - Every time I post these I get asked for the recipe so now you can access it whenever you please :) I make these every week, honestly cant remember the last week that went by that I didn't make a batch, or some variation of them!

 I use them as my pre-workout snacks - and here's why ๐Ÿ ‹ 
1. I normally train between 6-7am so with a batch of these made I can grab one on the way out the door and not worry about making a meal at that time of the morning!
2. They have a good dose of carbs (quick energy boost) without having to eat a huge volume of food at that hour, some people are able to stomach a bowl of oats etc but 'im just not at that stage yet ๐Ÿ˜‚
3. They are low in fat as I prefer to avoid high fat foods in my pre and post training meals. Its best to keep your fats for your other meals.

The protein content of these is really up to yourself, id advise adding more if your using these for a quick post workout snack, or even just for a healthy protein treat during the day 
So here is what you need ๐Ÿ ‰The recipe below is exactly the amounts of everything I used for this mornings batch. Normally with this recipe i always made 5 flapjacks but have recently started portioning into 4 as i'm trying to up my carb intake preworkout, so portion as you please. Even at 5 their pretty big.

- 100g RIPE Banana - and yes the browner the banana the better!! It gives the flapjacks there real sweetness and perfect texture!
-80g Oats
-As much or as little Goji Berries as you like, I just grab a handful which is roughly 6g
-Same applies for the dessicated coconut 2/3 tsps again roughly 6g
-tsp of honey 
-25g of White chocolate and Coconut protein pancake mix

Mix all the above really well -
I actually just mash the whole lot up with a fork 
until it looks like this ๐Ÿ Ÿ

Decide how you want to portion and shape into whatever shape tickles your fancy ๐Ÿ˜œCircles are always a good choice ๐Ÿคฃ. Place into a pre-heated oven at 180 degrees for 15mins, I flip them over for the last 3 mins, remove from oven, allow to cool fully and pop them into your cookie jar or any container at room temperature should work. 

    Et Viola - This batch I made this morning using 
    the above recipe came in at 24c 3f 5p each - scroll to end for 
extra notes and subs you can use

These ones on the bottom right are the same recipe I just made them in a bigger batch, sprinkled with extra coconut and waited until cooled and then cut into bars.

Hope you Enjoy and as always let me know if you give them a whirl! Love to see what variations you can come up with ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

-these will not work as well with green or still very yellow bananas!
-pancake mix is not a must, whey works just as well, whey will also lower the carb content and increase protein (depending on your brand of whey obv)
-add sweeteners, flavour drops etc if desired
-use zero, calorie free syrups etc in place of honey to lower carbs if you like, they work just as well
-experiment with different flavours whey/pancake mixes along with nuts,seeds,dried fruits,chocolate chips etc, anything goes once you have the oats, banana, whey and syrup base perfected!

Over and Out Beauts,
Pops x

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Here it Goes

Hey Guys, so i'm finally getting round to this blogging world! Not really sure of exact content ill be sharing yet (depends what you want to see, please please let me know ๐Ÿ™‹ ) but will be sure to use it as a spot to share all of my recipes with you at last. I've been dying to get this up and running for ages now just never had the time with my previous work commitments etc, but now that i'm loving life in my new job, stress free and with some spare time at last i can get cracking ✌
So as you know i'm Orla, aka pops_foodiekitchen ๐Ÿ˜‰ I've a huge passion for all things food and fitness, as you all probably know if your here reading this! when i'm not in work i'm either at the gym, in my kitchen experimenting or online looking at something food or fitness related ๐Ÿ˜‚

I'm 25, a qualified hairdresser, which was always my number 1 passion up until about 2 years ago when i discovered this world of health,food and fitness, so now I've got 2 passions and why not ๐Ÿ˜„ I started my 'foodie' Instagram just over a year ago now and i'm hooked ๐Ÿ™ˆ Sharing all my own food experiments and getting inspiration and ideas off everybody else... I've made so many new friends trough my page that I would of never known before, all like-minded people with the same passion for all things food and fitness!

So last year after a tough few months I packed in my hairdressing career after 9 years. I spent that whole 9 years in the one salon so this was a huge step for me and decision to make as it had been my life since school, same routine day in day out, i'm a creature of habit who loves routine in all aspects of my life so this was a huge change! I had no idea what to expect but I had to take the plunge. From been so so happy for over 8 years to miserable in the final few months, I knew I needed change before I started to hate hairdressing altogether. I had done a Diploma in Nutrition over the summer and absolutely loved it so figured the food/health/fitness industry was something id like to make a stab at career wise! I wont go to deep into it all but after a few short months of planning/decison making/ups/downs/all sorts of emotions ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜‚ things are finally falling into place. Ive gone back to hairdressing part time in a new salon (amaze) and the other half of my week is been spent studying an advanced nutrition course ๐Ÿ˜Ž And come April ill be doing a fitness course with the National Sports College to qualify as a PT, Fitness Instructor and group Fitness Instructor. College, me? I never thought id see the day - especially sports college! Would you believe I failed P.E in school ๐Ÿ˜‚

Finally feeling happy and excited for the future, with the perfect mixture of both my passions ๐Ÿ™Œ Where all this will lead, who knows, but once i'm happy that's the main thing and i'm willing to give 2017 my best shot! My attitude and outlook on things is 100% better than it was this time last year and that's something i'm very proud of, still plenty of room for improvement but a good start has been made ๐Ÿ˜‰

Finally a Major shout out to my other half ↑๐Ÿ’‘, parents and siblings ๐Ÿ‘ช
for supporting me the whole way through these mad few months! Everyone says it and its so cliche but honestly none of this would of been possible without you all .

Anyway enough rambling for now, hope you enjoy whats to come, now to decide where to start with all these recipes ๐Ÿ˜† And again - id love to hear what everyone would like to see me share with you here, anything at all just shout ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Over and out beauts,
Pops x